Sent Email History… and More!

Emails just got some love ❤️

The long-requested feature for viewing email history has finally arrived! But there’s more! Not only can you view your past sent emails, but you also can now:

  • View sent emails

  • See how many people opened your sent emails

  • Save multiple draft emails

  • View your draft emails

  • Edit your draft emails

  • Delete your draft emails

  • Replicate sent emails to easily re-send or edit

Walkthrough Video

This video will walk you through how to use the new Send Email so you can start enjoying this new feature today:

Update: We added the ability to Schedule Emails in February, 2021. Check it out in this blog post.

Jason headshot.png

Jason Galicinski, Beta Team Lead, Founder & CTO


Year-End Campaign Toolkit


New: Folders!