How should I promote my Nonprofit event?
Your fundraising team works hard, pulling together the many elements needed to make a successful event. You’ve arranged for a beautiful venue, tasteful decorations, delicious food, and engaging entertainment. But, what if no one actually came to the event? The success of your non-profit event depends on your supporters, and they can’t support you if they don’t know about it!
Promoting your nonprofit event is an essential part of the process and an element not to be missed. There are many ways to advertise your event, but what is the most effective way to reach your intended audience?
You could blanket the city with flyers, but if they’re not reaching the right people, that’s a waste of resources. A targeted approach is best. The easiest way to reach your target audience is through your email list and through social media. Your social followers have expressed interest in your cause and are looking for ways to connect with you.
This article will show you how to invite donors to an event and ensure your event is well planned, attended, and executed.
Nonprofit Event Management Software
Using a tool like FundEasy’s Attendance combines all of the tasks associated with promoting, inviting, registering, and following up. It simplifies fundraising events, making it easy for your team to manage all the details.
Attendance is easy to use and was designed with event planners in mind. You don’t need to have a computer science degree to create effective web pages that track attendance, meal preferences, seating arrangements, and more. The tool even works with you during live events, checking guests in and tracking all your data for later use.
So, how can this event attendance app help you promote your non-profit event?
Your previous supporters and guest lists are a great place to start when promoting your fundraising event. FundEasy’s Attendance allows you to create branded email invitations that are professionally designed. Your guest list will be wowed by your stunning invite and can’t help but want to know more about your event!
The software allows you to invite your entire list or send individual invitations. Attendance is designed to easily facilitate sending automated confirmations, reminders, thank you notes, and follow-ups. Consider how much time and frustration these tools can save your team.
Landing Pages
Using Attendance (and FundEasy’s other products) means you can quickly set up a polished event page that includes essential information about your event as well as a registration form that will capture the data you need to make critical decisions. Your landing page can include photos, videos, and location details, including a map. Attendance allows you to select from a variety of eye-catching templates and customize them according to your needs.
“Collecting registration information with FundEasy Attendance is a breeze and doesn’t require any coding.”
Collecting registration information with FundEasy Attendance is a breeze and doesn’t require any coding. You will simply decide what details you require and set up your form accordingly. This allows you to keep track of the nitty-gritty details like menu choices, dietary restrictions, seating requests, and more.
Once your landing page is ready for business, you can share it on your social media channels. Integrated social sharing buttons mean with just the click of a button, your event will be shared with all of your followers. And, what’s better than your fundraising team sharing this event? Your supporters sharing your event! The social share buttons at the bottom of your landing page mean your supporters can easily share the information with their friends and followers. This type of grassroots marketing can have a powerful impact.
Let Your Supporters Promote Your Event For You!
Leveraging your supporters means engaging people that have a passion for your mission. In addition to sharing your landing page for an event, your supporters can actually help your cause by raising funds on your behalf.
Let’s say you have a charity walk or a bike-a-thon planned. You can promote it through your usual methods, but equipping your supporters to raise money on your behalf will boost your visibility, engagement, and funds raised! FundEasy has a straightforward way to effectively set up this type of fundraising. Using the Peer-to-Peer tool lets your team manage a host of participants that are working on your behalf to raise funds for your cause.
Each fundraising event includes a webpage with key information, your goal, and your non-profit’s messaging and branding. When using Peer-to-Peer, you’ll have a leaderboard that shows your top fundraisers. This feature adds a fun competitive element to your event. Once you have created your event, your supporters can then sign up as participants.
“Your expanded team of fundraisers will create their very own fundraising page, easily adding their own photos, welcome message, and updates while staying within your brand guidelines.”
Your expanded team of fundraisers will create their very own fundraising page, easily adding their own photos, welcome message, and updates while staying within your brand guidelines. They will then do the work of promoting your event for you! As long as you have a group of devoted supporters, your event will surely be a success.
This peer-to-peer fundraising software simplifies the process for your team and makes your event easy to manage. FundEasy has thought of all of the details, and the setup wizard will walk you through setting up your page and inviting people to be participants.
To understand a bit more about Peer-to-Peer, check out our blog post Launch a Successful Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign in Just 5 Steps.
Data, Details & Follow Ups
Successful event planners understand the importance of timely follow-up with supporters. Whether it’s thanking someone for attending your event or showing appreciation for the donation they’ve made, a brief note after the event is an essential step in the process. Build ongoing relationships with the data and integrations offered through FundEasy’s fundraising products. Read more about The Importance of Follow-up and Feedback in this blog post.
Say goodbye to overstuffed binders and drawers full of files. FundEasy’s software gives you the data you need at the click of a button. Reports are customizable, depending on the information you need. And, once you’ve reviewed your data, you can easily send a professionally branded email to your list. In fact, you can integrate with over 3,000 apps including MailChimp, Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, and more.
Automated receipts and direct deposits to your bank account mean less administrative tasks for your team, leaving them time to strategize and plan your next successful event!
When promoting your non-profit’s fundraising event, consider your options and the tools available to you to make your event a success. Leverage your strengths and build relationships for future events.
If you'd like to learn more about our Peer-to-Peer, Attendance, or Crowdfunding products, please reach out! We'd love to chat.
Also, if you haven't joined already, we have an exclusive Facebook Group just for our customers! If you are a current FundEasy Customer and would like to join, go here to learn more and request to be added!
Madison Hull
This article was inspired by our customers and written to encourage your fundraising efforts. Although we work with nonprofits and events daily, our team members are not Event Consultants. We encourage you to consult with your event consultant, executive team, and/or affiliate organization before making any major changes to your events.