Empowering Your Table Hosts

Have you ever gone skydiving?

Most often, first-time skydivers have an experienced jumper on their back. Yes, this jumping buddy will make sure the shoot deploys at the right time and that the rookie sticks their landing, but many times they also help the jumper to... well... jump.

Like a skydiving buddy, you’ll want to act as a coach for your table hosts as you help them “jump” into this new process of giving you their guest list. You can unlock the power of those table hosts by teaching them how to use the tools placed before them. The more you encourage table hosts to utilize the tools at hand, the less time you’ll spend updating your RSVPs. 

Whether you are currently utilizing   Attendance, or just looking for better ways to engage your table hosts during your fundraising event, this is a must-view webinar! 

Join Lyndsy and Crystal as they share their top tips and tricks for engaging table hosts and utilizing all the host-related features of Attendance!

Make sure not to miss out any future webinars. Fill out the form below to join our email list!
