Hybrid/Virtual Event FAQ

Hybrid/Virtual Event FAQ

As we emerge from a pandemic of global proportions, it is good to look back and see what answers there are to the questions nonprofits have about hybrid/virtual events.

The year 2021, regarding nonprofit fundraising, did not follow a pattern that was familiar in any playbook. While donors responded to the need created by COVID-19, they remained committed to the causes and organizations they regularly supported.

Many people actively engaged in philanthropy as a way to help their neighbors and communities. A study released by The Center for Effective Philanthropy has shown that nonprofits fared better than expected.

Let's consider what we've learned on the success of hybrid/virtual events held by nonprofits.


What Are Hybrid And Virtual Events?

Hybrid events include both in-person and virtual elements. This type of event allowed the hosting organization to appeal to and engage audiences both at a physical location and online.

Virtual events are completely online, whether they are live-streamed or pre-recorded. 

Hybrid vs. Virtual Events

A hybrid event is one that combines a live in-person event in conjunction with a virtual online component. A virtual event is one that occurs entirely online. Attendees interact online and do not meet in a physical location.

HybridVirtual Event

An online or virtual event tends to be more scalable and cost-effective. It is also more accessible to supporters than a physical event. As more organizations and nonprofits make this shift to virtual, the services and technology will continue to improve, making this option even more attractive.

Even though virtual events will continue to be a popular option for nonprofits, there is a challenge with a virtual platform. You don't have a truly "captive" audience. Regular work and family life are still happening at home when your virtual event is also taking place and can be a major distraction.

What Are The Advantages Of Holding A Hybrid Or Virtual Event?

There are many advantages to holding a hybrid/virtual event. One of those advantages is that this type of event expands your event's reach and accessibility. 

Being able to engage your supporters, no matter their location, is a big plus. That was especially true this past year when travel was restricted and staying at home was the recommended norm. 

Not only does a hybrid/virtual event give your nonprofit a greater reach, but it also gives you a high degree of flexibility. Hybrid events tend to provide you with adaptability, and it is easier to incorporate a variety of ideas into an event.

This flexibility extends not just to the nonprofit but to your donors as well. Those supporters who might not attend because of distance or health concerns had that barrier removed with a hybrid/virtual event.

Are Virtual Events Coming To An End?

While the world has made great strides concerning COVID-19, a hybrid/virtual event alleviates any times of public health concerns and allows your donors to continue their support while engaging at their own comfort level. 

The expense of holding a hybrid or virtual event tends to be less than an in-person event and can involve less expenditure of time for nonprofit workers. 

While nothing can replace face-to-face interactions, we have learned in the past year that supporters, new and old, have experienced the value of hybrid/virtual events and will expect those options in the future.


Are Hybrid/Virtual Events Still Effective?

Over the past year, fundraisers have learned that hybrid/virtual events can be cost-effective and successful. When you offer a great experience by investing in the proper services, such as good video and sound, these events provide a number of benefits for your nonprofit.

Virtual Event

There is a reduced cost to events like a hybrid gala, and because your supporters save money in travel fees and time commuting that they tend to increase their generosity. Supporters pressed for time can easily pop in and out of your virtual event to leave a quick donation.

When the pivot to hybrid/virtual events was made in 2020, fundraising results were not as disheartening as you might have thought. Nearly half of nonprofits moved their in-person events to virtual. 

The Hybrid Fundraising Event Model data found that 44% of nonprofits received more donations in 2020 than in 2019, while 21% received about the same. What an encouragement that the majority of nonprofits saw the same or more donations during such uncertain times!

Peer-to-peer forums have discussed that, with this shift, it is important for nonprofits to continually endeavor to work smarter. They can do this by using technology and smart marketing to make the most of investing in programs for their nonprofit.

Virtual Fatigue

After having come through a very challenging year, people are undoubtedly experiencing "virtual fatigue." According to Harvard Business Review, people can feel more drained by attending online events because they force you to focus more intently on conversations to absorb information.

At the same time, virtual events make it easier to lose focus because of the external distractions that are present when attending from home.

While virtual and hybrid events are valuable tools because of their flexibility and accessibility, a nonprofit is challenged to make sure supporters are engaged and having fun. Download our free resource: Making the Most of Virtual Events | 8 Common Mistakes Nonprofits Make and What to do Instead to ensure your nonprofit safeguards against these common pitfalls.


Final Thoughts

Having proved their value through the past year, hybrid and virtual events are here to stay. 

In a report to the Center For Effective Philanthropy, Hilary Pennington of the Ford Foundation, among others, expressed that nonprofits should build on the changes that they made in 2020, saying, "Now is not the time for us to go backward. Let's use this moment of converging crises to impose excellence upon ourselves for the long-term benefit of philanthropy, our own institutions, nonprofits, and the communities that need us more than ever."

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Crystal Hoag

Crystal Hoag

This article was inspired by our customers and written to encourage your fundraising efforts. Although we work with nonprofits and events daily, our team members are not Event Consultants. We encourage you to consult with your event consultant, executive team, and/or affiliate organization before making any major changes to your events. 


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