The Components of a Compelling Appeal
The most important part of a fundraising dinner is "the ask" or appeal. Unfortunately, many nonprofits make simple mistakes that impact the income from these vital fundraisers.
Development Guru Jim Dempsey divulges the secrets of a compelling appeal in this must-watch webinar!
Links mentioned in the webinar
Download Handout
Virtual Fundraising Dinners (July 2020 Webinar)
Development Effectiveness Strategies YouTube Channel (Be sure to SUBSCRIBE!)
JimNJava: Fundraising Questions Answered! (YouTube)
Have questions? Submit them via Twitter: @DevEffStrats use hashtag #JimNJava to be included in future episodes!Nonprofit Whisperer Podcast - Available wherever you get your podcasts (View First Episode Here!)
Development Resource Website:
Note: You have to "sign up", but as long as you're a real person from a real nonprofit you'll be given access.