FundEasy Preferences Are Back!

FundEasy Event Setup Wizard gets a sixth step!

In an effort to keep all the Event Setup Wizard steps the same for both AttendEasy and Fundeasy, what was originally called “FundEasy Preferences” in the old Ministry Sync, was moved into the Web & Email Templates section of the Event Setup Wizard. We moved all of the FundEasy preferences into each individual template page and in the process, thoroughly confused everyone!! 😱 …Sorry about that!

It’s a good thing we listen to feedback. 😂

About a month after releasing the new Event Setup Wizard, we realized our original idea wasn’t working and we just needed to have one place where all the FundEasy Preferences live. So we added a sixth step for FundEasy events called “FundEasy Preferences”.

How it works

Within the Event Setup Wizard, FundEasy will now have six setup steps instead of five to work through when preparing your event. Step #4 is now “FundEasy Preferences.”

FundEasy Preferences.png

The new FundEasy Preferences in the Event Setup Wizard

FundEasy Preferences is where you will update your General FundEasy Settings, your Event Web Page Settings, your FundEasy Page Settings (for your Fundraisers), and your Donation Page Settings — basically everything related to how Fundraiser pages can be customized.

We hope this small update makes preparing and modifying your event preferences even easier!

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Jason Galicinski, Beta Team Lead, Founder & CTO


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