Equip Your Fundraisers

Equip your fundraiser to become an ambassador for your organization

Without support, non-profits could not exist. This is the reality organizations must work with in order to grow. But, how do you engage your fundraisers so that they become cheerleaders for your organization?

Teach your participants

  • Social Networking. Encourage your participants to use their social networks. Use social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to increase fundraising results by up to 40%.

  • Rewards. Make fundraising a game by offering rewards for achieving certain goals (i.e. free t-shirt for $250 raised).

  • Teams. Not only do teams raise more money for your organization, but they also add fun and competition to fundraising. Encourage your participants to start their own team.

  • Meet & Teach. Success stories provide ideas on how to fundraise, and an added session or two with the experts allows participants to have their questions answered.

  • Samples. Don’t let your participants get stuck on something you could have easily provided. Supply sample fundraising emails, Facebook posts, tweets, phone scripts, thank you notes, etc.

  • Success stories. Highlight a past participant and use that example to tell them how to raise money, how to overcome challenges, and most importantly, the impact their donations will have on your mission.

  • Tips to get them started. People are all created differently and not every method of fundraising will be for everyone. Provide several different fundraising ideas, and emphasize the most efficient methods such as sending email through a tool like FundEasy.

Connect with your participants

  • Invite them to join. Call on your top participants to join a volunteer committee makes them feel closer to your organization and a part of its success. 

  • Give a tour. Offering a tour of your organization is a great way to bring them closer to your cause. Seeing the places that will be impacted by their efforts and meeting those on the front lines will give your participants extra encouragement.

  • Provide accountability. Let them know how the money raised in the past has been used for your organization and how this year's funds will be used.

  • Thank them. After the event, invite them to a thank-you reception. It’s another opportunity to connect them to your mission and encourage future participation.

Stay connected

  • Check-in often. Share stories about your organization and be available for any questions they may have.

  • Seek input. After the event, ask them what they liked, what they didn't, and what would have helped. Implement good ideas into future fundraisers.

  • Celebrate goals. Your participants will likely be really excited when they reach their goal. Capitalize on this opportunity to thank them. FundEasy makes it easy to stay connected.

  • Be available. As with any event, your participants will have questions. The important thing is to make certain that you respond quickly to all questions and concerns that come your way. The longer it takes you to help, the less fundraising momentum they’ll have.

Fundraise Online via FundEasy

  • Personalized fundraising pages. Donate buttons should be placed on your personal fundraising page in a bright color so their eyes easily see it. FundEasy's fundraising pages are automatically set up this way.

  • Easy donations. Quick and simple web forms encourage people to donate online. Help your participants by using FundEasy's online donation forms that are easy to complete and update in real-time. 

  • Donor highlight. FundEasy has an option where you can automatically spotlight top givers and teams. This can be used to motivate some participants.

Follow Fundraising Page Best Practices

  • Add a photo. People connect with people. Encourage participants to add a photo to their fundraising page; it may inspire others to donate.

  • Tell a story. Ask your participants to change the “Welcome Message” area in the personal fundraising pages to share personal stories and inspire others.

  • Offer Personal links. This allows participants to direct friends and family to their specific fundraising page rather than going through your organization's home page.

  • Increase goals. Allow participants to change their goal at any time so they can increase their goal once achieved and encourage more support.

  • Answer FAQs. FundEasy has developed a Knowledge Base available to teach each participant how to register, set up a page, import contacts, email family and friends, and other important fundraising activities.

 With these tips and FundEasy's Fundraiser Knowledge Base filled with helpful information, your participants will learn more about your organization and as a result, develop a deeper passion for the event. Put these steps into action and watch your participants grow from walker to fundraiser to ambassador for your organization! 

Andrea Trudden

Andrea Trudden

This article was inspired by our customers and written to encourage your fundraising efforts. Although we work with ministries and events daily, our team members are not Event Consultants. We encourage you to consult with your event consultant, executive team, and/or affiliate organization before making any major changes to your events.

This list was adapted from 

44 Ways to Turn Your Supporters into Fundraising Superstars



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