Where Are The Best Places To Advertise P2P Campaigns?

Peer-to-peer (P2P for short) fundraising is a strategy that uses networks of your existing supporters to raise money on behalf of your nonprofit. This form of fundraising is made incredibly easy for supporters with Peer-to-Peer Fundraising by FundEasy.

Supporters of your nonprofit will set up individual fundraising pages, and then promote these pages to their networks of friends, family, and colleagues. These campaigns can take various forms, such as:

  • DIY campaigns

  • Challenge campaigns

  • On-the-ground events, like runs, walks, and rides

  • Awareness and giving campaigns

  • Virtual peer-to-peer campaigns

It is also helpful to know 5 Ways You Can Encourage Peer-to-Peer Fundraising that will help inspire your supporters. 

With this valuable fundraising tool, peer-to-peer strategists may wonder where the best places are to advertise these campaigns. 

Google Grant Ads

Each year, both Microsoft and Google give about 1 billion dollars to help nonprofits promote their online causes. This is a good place to start your advertising with Google's Ad Grants program

Google is the world's largest and most effective search engine. There are, of course, restrictions and limitations, but when you are advertising for free you can spread your cause to a large audience. 

Use Videos On YouTube And Peer-to-Peer Platforms To Motivate Actions

Another effective way for peer-to-peer advertising is through videos. Seeing a need, rather than just hearing about it, can be a powerful tool to get your message across. Emotions inspire and ultimately motivate us to act. 

Even if you don't have a marketing budget or even a marketing department, that should not hinder you in presenting your cause in a format that can speak volumes. You can shoot high-quality videos on your iPhone, which means you don't need special equipment, and the more you practice, the better you will become.

According to the video marketing site, Biteable, marketers use video a lot. Video marketing is effective and often outperforms other marketing tools, which is why 94% of marketers who use videos plan to continue.

Use Your Organization’s Facebook Page 

Facebook, as of the first quarter of 2021, was the largest social media platform with almost 2.85 billion monthly active users worldwide. This platform continues to grow and can get your message to people and communities that might not know of your organization otherwise. 

Announcing a campaign or fundraiser on your organization page is a form of advertising that connects with your supporters, who can easily share your page with like-minded people in their networks.

Facebook is also a great place to use social media to tell compelling stories. People love stories, and a story can help others to understand your organization's passion for their cause. 

This sharing can help to grow your base and help you to reach others and will help to increase the impact your organization can have. 

Enlist The Aid Of The Most Influential People You Know

You have probably heard the saying, "It is not what you know, it is who you know." That saying is certainly true, especially today. People influence others in many ways. There are times when we read a book, watch a movie or purchase a product simply because it was endorsed by a person of influence.

One form of advertising is endorsements by those in your sphere whose word carries weight and whose opinion is valued. As such, these people are influencers. Seek out those in your organization that fit that profile, or solicit assistance from like-minded people who can help to champion your cause.

People look to influencers to help them make informed decisions about which causes to support. When you align with a trusted influencer that matches your nonprofit's mission, your organization will also be able to connect with its network and communities. This can increase your nonprofit's reach and inspire conversations about your mission.

Email Marketing/Advertising

While your inbox may be full to the top and it may seem like another email is too much, email marketing is still effective. Forbes states that email is Still The Most Powerful Marketing Tool. In the Forbes article, it is stated that the most effective email marketing strategies adapt, grow and innovate. 

When using emails as a place to advertise your peer-to-peer fundraiser, strive to:

  • Make sure that the emails are personal and crafted with your nonprofit campaigns in mind.

  • When it comes to emails, try to be as creative as possible. 

  • Craft a subject line that is precise and commanding

  • Keep your copy simple and to the point

  • Uses pertinent images or videos to tell your story

It is essential that your supporters never feel that they are important to you only because of what they can give to your organization. This is a partnership. You cannot accomplish your valuable work without their support, and they rely on your organization to effect a change for the cause they feel deeply about. The Power of Personalization cannot be understated. When you make your fundraising efforts personal, you convey to your supporters that you see them as partners in a worthy cause. 

Use Public Speaking Engagements To Advertise Your Cause

Some may be terrified by the thought of public speaking, but when you are representing a nonprofit, you have a worthy cause that is urgent and powerful. If one of the ways to reach those that can support the cause is public speaking, then it is an avenue that should be explored. 

There is something to be said for in-person speaking. Just your presence conveys the importance of the cause and the power of that should not be underestimated.

One of the ways to prepare yourself for speaking is to practice until you could make your presentation at the drop of a hat. Practice in front of a mirror, enlist family members and friends for the first dry runs. 

It does not matter if the content of your talk is relevant to those whom you are practicing in front of. You are going to ask for feedback on your clarity and delivery. Choose people who will give you honest, constructive feedback.

Many times, speaking events are recorded and posted online. This will lead to your message being spread to a wider audience and potential donors.

Final Thoughts

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising by FundEasy is an effective fundraising software for any organization no matter the size.

Peer-to-peer fundraising is successful because people are more likely to engage with your nonprofit when someone that they know and trust has given them the opportunity to donate. This is one of the strengths of social media and the peer-to-peer platform is ideal for this interaction.

Peer-to-peer fundraising extends the reach of your nonprofit and can grow your support base. When your network of supporters share their pages with their network of friends, family, and colleagues, it greatly widens your audience.

Peer-to-peer fundraisers also become more engaged in your cause. When supporters fundraise on your behalf, they become invested in the campaign's success. The experience allows supporters to connect with your nonprofit and strengthen the bond and commitment to your cause.

If you'd like to learn more about our Peer-to-Peer, Attendance, or Crowdfunding products, please reach out! We'd love to chat.

Also, if you haven't joined already, we have an exclusive Facebook Group just for our customers! If you are a current FundEasy Customer and would like to join, go here to learn more and request to be added!


Crystal Hoag

This article was inspired by our customers and written to encourage your fundraising efforts. Although we work with nonprofits and events daily, our team members are not Event Consultants. We encourage you to consult with your event consultant, executive team, and/or affiliate organization before making any major changes to your events.


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