Increase Impact & Save Time with Video!

Interested in learning how to increase your efficiency AND make your life a whole lot easier? Say hello to video! We have a FREE video resource to share with you to help you get started. 

When we come across a tool that we think might bless and empower YOUR organization, we want to make sure you know about it. Like our article on Canva - a great free design tool! Well, another one of our favorite free tools is Loom


What is Loom?

Loom is a free, user-friendly video and screen recording software. Using Loom via your internet browser records your screen, voice, and/or video. It produces a video instantaneously that you can either download to your computer or just copy a shareable link and send! 


Why Video?!

These quick screen recording videos are a powerful way to increase efficiency and effectiveness for a variety of scenarios! You can record a Loom video to teach someone how to do something and then re-use your teaching efforts over and over again. Loom videos are also valuable for those you can’t easily work with in person. Our Sales and Support teams often use this tool to record quick how-to navigational tutorials for our customers! 

  • Use Video For Event Prep! Ever want to do a step-by-step tutorial for each of your event's table hosts, but don’t have the time to sit down with each of them? Maybe you have a list of FAQs from your table hosts… like “how do I register my guests?" Or, "How do I use the host manager?!” Consider recording a quick video tutorial via Loom and save the time you would spend fielding calls and emails from your hosts, guests, or volunteers!

  • Teach Your Staff With a Video! Maybe you want to show each of your staff members how to also register guests for your upcoming event, but you are short on time! Or, perhaps you are starting a new software at work and there are a few employees who can’t make your training meeting… record a quick video!

  • Videos can INCREASE engagement! Video is one of the most current and popular ways of communicating as well. An article by Adelie Studios stated, "When marketers included a video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% – 300%." Wow. That is a statistic worth considering! If it's a point you REALLY want to drive home, consider recording a quick video.

Our heart at FundEasy is to see nonprofits succeed! We hope these tips help you and your organization continue to increase your reach and maximize the IMPACT you are making in your community! 

Amanda Rappe 

This article was inspired by our customers and written to encourage your fundraising efforts. Although we work with ministries and events daily, our team members are not Event Consultants. We encourage you to consult with your event consultant, executive team, and/or affiliate organization before making any major changes to your events. 


Making Space for Ministry


Canva: Free Design Resource