All Good Things...

The last episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation is called All Good Things….. And like the TV show, all good things come to an end. I'm retiring from FundEasy at the end of March 2023. 

I joined Ministry Sync in 2009 to work in customer support. At that time, we had one software called AttendEasy, and we rented barcode scanners for check in. Not long after that we added FundEasy for peer-to-peer fundraising (now called Peer-to-Peer) and Live Attendance (now Live Check-In), and I became the Customer Support Lead, or as some called me, the Mastermind of Support. After 2020, I moved out of support and into development as a Product Owner. That's a role that looks at business goals, customer feedback, and market trends, and helps decide what to build next. In the last 3 years, we changed to offering subscriptions and we rebranded the app from Ministry Sync to FundEasy. Last fall we added a donation widget that I hope will be an improvement to Crowdfunding. It's been an exciting journey.

My longtime co-worker and friend Alison Forsyth will be replacing me as Product Owner. I am confident that she'll be able to take over where I left off. Like me, Ali came up through support, and for the last year she has been reading and researching all your feedback as it comes in. She also assists the support team with difficult issues with the app, just like I did. 

All good things come to an end. It's been a good 13 and a half years at FundEasy. I'm looking forward to spending more time with my family and playing music with my friends. I'm grateful for the chance to work with so many good people and to help so many nonprofits in their fundraising. 


Sandy Barton

Retiring Product Owner


The FUN Things of FundEasy: Peer-to-Peer


Lapsed Donor Problems? 5 Ways to Get Them Back