9 Qs to Ask Before Setting Up Your Attendance Event

Online registration is a great tool that has been proven to increase attendance—are you using it to its full potential? Each Attendance event comes with a default registration form. Your event may require more information than is collected on this default form, so we have specifically designed the form to be customizable to meet your needs.

Before "going live" with public registration, be certain to think through your entire event to make sure you are asking the right questions of your guests and collecting all the information that you will need not only for your event but also for follow-up after the event. Here are some questions you’ll want to ask yourself to make sure Attendance is working for you!

Note: If you liked the registration form used in a past event you can copy it into your new event so you don't need to reinvent the wheel.

1. What are the registration types for our event?

Our default registration form allows guests to register as either a table host or a guest. Do you also have table sponsors? Is there an option for someone to sponsor a table, but not host it? We can help build these exceptions into your form.

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2. What are the different registration fees?

Many events charge a registration fee for sponsors, hosts, and/or guests. Think through all pricing options and contact our Support Team to discuss how to best set up your registration form.

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3. Are there exceptions or discounts?

Sometimes offering an Early Bird Discount is what it takes to get guests to RSVP before the final countdown. If your pricing changes on a certain date, your registration form can be set up to automatically change pricing or remove options when the early bird deadline is reached.

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Call it a Promo Code, a Registration Code, a Discount Code, etc. These short codes can be used to give special pricing or discounts to your registrants. This is a simple way to help your guests feel even more special while entering the code.

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4. What contact information must we have?

Would you like guests to be required to enter more than just their name? No problem. Any fields on your registration form can be required. Requiring email addresses is one way to boost the number of emails on your mailing list.

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5. What do we need to know to prepare for meals?

Will you need to know if your guests have special dietary restrictions? Food allergies are pretty common. Be prepared to serve your guests food that they can eat by adding this field to your registration form.

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Meal requests: Are you offering a choice of chicken or beef? Enable Meal Choices in your event details for easy reporting.


6. Will people be registering individually or in groups?

Occasionally three, four, or five people want to register at a time. Adding the “Register additional people with me” field to your form will allow your guests to quickly register everyone at once. If your event has a registration fee, this field eliminates the need to enter payment information multiple times. Our Support Team is happy to help you add this to your form.

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7. Is childcare available?

If you’re offering childcare, you can ask about your guests’ childcare needs so you will be prepared to serve their family.

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8. Do we need to prepare for special options?

Doing a conference with workshops? Need to know if guests are from a certain school district? Want to ask what church they attend? How they heard about your organization? Whether they’re a cat or dog person?

Additional information about your attendees helps have a better understanding of how the people connected with you. This information is useful for relationship growth. Radio buttons, check boxes, text fields and drop down selections can be used to capture any information you’d like.

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9. Are there limits for any options?

Do you have a certain number of seats, sponsorships or workshop spots available? Add a limit to your registration options so you don’t exceed your availability.

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As always, our Support Team is available to help you get set up for your event. Simply chat, call or email us!

Crystal Hoag


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